Share a story of my own: I lost about $10,000 last night because of carelessness🥺

🔻Cause: When I was cleaning the memory of my old phone last night, I accidentally deleted OKX

🔺Result: I lost 2 Myshell Genesis Cards and 3 AZRA series NFTs (1 was found)

The current value of these two series of NFTs is about $10,000

This story tells us: If the money is scattered on the chain, please be sure to save the private key

At first, I was confused for a while after deleting it by mistake, but at first I only remembered that I lost two Myshell NFTs, and the current value of the two added up to about $3,000

I was not particularly anxious, because these two NFTs were placed together, because I paid more attention to this, I remember saving them, and it was easy to find the record

Then I tried several times but none of them worked, and the result! I tried and found an AZRA NFT in a wallet! ! !

I suddenly remembered that I still have two other wallets (I bought them a long time ago, more than half a year)

📍I started to feel a little confused, the current price of each one is 3,000 dollars, because I bought these NFTs for airdrops, and I didn’t put one in because I was worried that it would be filtered out by the airdrop rules, so I divided it into three wallets

Now I have tried my WeChat collection, chat history and some mnemonics in the USB flash drive, but I can’t find them back. To be honest, I am a little disappointed

I originally had three NFTs in each series, and now I have one left in AZRA, and one in Myshell was transferred to a friend a while ago for him to do some interaction (this one uses a particle wallet, so I don’t worry about losing it)

I tested it in the early morning, and sure enough, N FT and I have a little conflict. Today I will continue to look through various records to see if there is any. If not, forget it.

Let the sand that cannot be held feel the storm outside by itself😭

Then let me share why I bought them. First of all, I don’t like to buy NFT, including the previous NFT market. In fact, I didn’t participate.

I bought these two because I think the product is good + airdrop expectations, and the other is recommended + airdrop expectations.


This is a project I found last year when I wanted to experience GPT, around August and September. At that time, I thought their application side was very good (mainly because it was my first time to use particle wallet). I first experienced their initial products and found that this was a Web3 project.

After experiencing it for a while, I also asked the community and friends to buy some as lottery tickets to try to get airdrops. It was cheap at the time. Later, I didn’t expect it to be incubated by Binance Incubator, nor did I expect the subsequent two rounds of financing (it seems that the first round of financing had been announced when I asked others to buy it)

The average purchase price was about 1,000 CNY at the time, and it has increased 10 times now. It can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Sure enough, the money earned by luck will always be returned

And I continue to believe that this project has the potential to be on#BinanceThe potential of new coins. I didn’t try their testnet recently. This project is a bit of a dead end. To be honest

If you plan to buy NFTs just for airdrops, I don’t recommend it now. It’s a bit expensive and you may not get your money back immediately after the airdrop


This project is more interesting. I haven’t even opened the official website. Why did I buy it? It was because a big V on Twitter sent me a private message and asked me to buy it

I thought at the time: Well❓This kind of wealth code that presses the head is finally my turn❓

Because everyone has their own expertise, I am still willing to listen to the opinions of professionals to try this kind of lottery. Anyway, I just throw a few thousand CNY in it at a time

At first, I only bought one, which was 0.3ETH, equivalent to about CNY3,600 (don’t ask me why I remember it so clearly)

Later, I saw him always on Twitter c x, I bought two more, and the three NFTs added up to almost 1 ETH

📍(This story also tells us: If you put cx on Twitter, there will indeed be people following)

From the time I bought it until now, not counting the increase in ETH, just the U price, it has increased six or seven times, and it is also the money earned by luck

There is nothing much to say. At this time last month, my Twitter account was blocked, and at this time this month, I lost 10,000 dollars. Now that things have come to this, let's leave it at that

10,000 dollars is embarrassing, not too much or too little. If you put aside the increase, just count the purchase cost of 4 NFTs, it is about 2,000-3,000 dollars

Counting the one I found back, it may be a break-even, a waste of time🤐

I am in a complicated mood now. I am not crying and making a fuss, and I can't say I am calm. After all, they are indeed worth 10,000 dollars now

I wish you all a happy weekend🥰