What is a meme coin? Based on the Internet culture and everyone's consensus, the combination of "humor, sarcasm, arrogance, cuteness, happiness, desire, greed, and funny" is the meme currency (personal opinion)

main feature

  1. Origin - As everyone knows $DOGE Dogecoin was founded in 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. It was originally intended to entertain the public through comedy and later became popular. Musk’s backing now top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization

  2. Community consensus - active community, topical communication, high-risk rewards, support from spiritual leaders

  3. Favorite speculation - Due to the lack of stable foundation and practical application, the price of meme coins is usually extremely volatile. Very easily affected by market sentiment and social media. The focus is on high returns in their eyes.

  4. Well-known meme coins - Meme Dragon II $SHIB and $PEPE , which just broke through the all-time high a few days ago, are all well-known to people in the currency circle (for a moment, there is also the US presidential candidate Trump Coin TRUMP😂)

  5. Future development - Memes used to be just memes. Now memes are slowly starting to turn into functional tokens. Tesla’s addition of DOGE currency payment a while ago also opened a new door. I believe other meme coins will also appear in the future. Develop your own applications instead of unilaterally promoting them!

The last thing I want to say

Before investing in meme coins, I suggest you "look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can afford to lose the money? Will losing the money affect your life? Can I bear this risk?" If you can afford the loss but can't It will affect your life and you can still take risks. Then you should believe in yourself and move forward bravely. You have made money. Thank you for your rationality. If you have lost money, review and be emotional. Come on!