Just take out one hour every day and stick to it. After a year you will find that you have surpassed all your peers. This skill is worth ten million!

Young people today, how do you encourage yourself? Is it because those self-media accounts keep telling you, "You have to work hard, you have to be diligent!" Yes, God rewards hard work, there is nothing wrong with that. But I want to ask, do you really understand the true meaning of "diligence"?

Some people say that "勤" means diligence, while others say it means hard work. Well, let me tell you, this word "勤" is not simple, it is divided into several stages.

You may be asking, "I've tried so hard, but why don't I seem to be getting the rewards I deserve?" It's a question worth pondering. If you feel that despite your hard work, you're not getting the rewards you expected, let me explain the possible reasons.

In many people's understanding, the idiom "Heaven rewards diligence" means that as long as you are diligent enough, you will be rewarded. However, the word "diligence" in my understanding actually includes multiple stages, and it is not just as simple as diligence.

1. Physical Diligence:

First, let's talk about what physical diligence is. Physical diligence means to put your body into action. No matter how far the goal is, as long as you are determined and move forward in that direction, you will get there one day. It's like setting a distant place. No matter how far it is, as long as you take steps and walk step by step, you will eventually reach your destination.

Being diligent also means not backing down or being afraid of difficulties when faced with them. Even if the task is difficult and the result may not be perfect, the key is that you will not choose to be lazy. You will go all out and diligently complete every task in the process to ensure that everything that needs to be done is done.

This kind of diligence is not only a kind of persistence in action, but also a kind of spiritual persistence. It requires you to not make excuses or procrastinate when facing challenges, but to actively find solutions to problems and continue to work hard until you achieve your goals.

2. Eyesight:

Secondly, let's talk about the eye. The eye means to have a keen observation and be good at observing the people and things around you.

You need to observe your colleagues, your boss, and your friends to understand what they are doing, how they are doing, and what their needs and wishes are. Observation is not just about looking with your eyes, but also about thinking with your heart and using your wisdom.

During the observation process, if you encounter something you don’t understand, don’t let it go easily like ordinary people do. For example, when you encounter a word you don’t know, some people may think: “It doesn’t matter, I won’t use it anyway, I have smart input method.” But diligent people will not do this. When they face something they don’t understand, they will observe it repeatedly until they understand it thoroughly.

Diligent people always have something to do. They will not turn a blind eye to something they don’t understand, but will delve deeper until they understand it. This is the essence of diligence in the eyes—keen observation plus active thinking.

3. Diligent:

Again, we are discussing manual diligence. To put it simply, manual diligence means having strong hands-on skills and being diligent in practice.

There is an old saying that goes, "If you don't clean up the snow in front of your door, how can you rule the world?" This saying tells us that if you can't even handle the small things around you, how can you expect to achieve big things? If a person can't even tidy up his own living environment, how can he be expected to manage bigger affairs?

Similarly, if you think you have a bad memory, then you need to take notes whether you are reading a book or learning new knowledge. As the saying goes, "a good memory is worse than a bad pen." This is exactly the embodiment of manual diligence. By taking notes, you can not only deepen your understanding of the knowledge, but also make it easier to check it later when needed.

Diligence also means diligence in practice. Theoretical knowledge needs to be tested and consolidated through practice. Only by applying what you have learned to practice can you truly master it and transform it into your own ability.

4. Diligent in speaking:

Then, let's talk about oral diligence, which means diligence in speech. Oral diligence means learning how to use our language better.

Being verbal means first of all learning how to speak. We should not just use words to criticize or blame, but learn how to praise others. In other words, we cannot just use words to manipulate or influence others, like the so-called PUA. Instead, we should learn AUP, which means, in short, using words to praise others' strengths and give them more positive affirmation and compliments.

This isn't just a change in words, it's a change in attitude. If you haven't been doing this before, now is the time to make the effort.

In addition, being diligent in speaking also includes being brave enough to ask questions and learn. Don't be too embarrassed to ask questions to others. If I ask you and you don't answer, that's your business. But if you answer me, I might learn something. So, be brave enough to ask questions to people who are better than you in the industry. Your words will not only make you diligent, but may also bring you more constructive opinions.

5. Brain power:

Finally, we want to talk about "brain diligence", that is, diligence in thinking. This requires us to constantly think and reflect, not only to learn knowledge, but also to deeply understand the meaning behind it.

When you encounter something you don't understand, or when you come across a passage that touches your heart, don't rush to turn to the next page. At this time, you should stop and think deeply.

Once you start reading a book, it belongs to you. If a certain idea or sentence resonates with you, put the book aside for a while and think about why you are touched by this sentence. Learning to think and understand the meaning behind it is crucial.

Simply reading a book and memorizing all the sentences does not guarantee that you truly understand it. Without in-depth thinking and understanding, the knowledge will only remain on the surface and become a habit or memory. Knowledge that is not internalized will not only be useless to you, but may also become an obstacle on your way forward.

Therefore, the key to being diligent in thinking is to think clearly and thoroughly before taking action. Once you have thought carefully and determined that this is what you want to pursue in your life, you must move forward firmly and no longer be disturbed by negative voices from the outside world. This means being responsible for your own choices and for your own ideals and dreams.

This kind of thoughtful attitude is also needed in making money and investing. Before investing, no one forces you to do so. You have plenty of time to think freely and eliminate external interference. Once you have thought clearly, you must have the courage to place a bet and go all out.

If you understand the above five points, God will definitely reward your hard work! #赚钱 #投资 #格局 #天道

Okay, I won’t say much else, because revealing too many secrets will shorten your life!