In the past 24 hours, ETH has seen a sharp rise and fall. The current price of ETH is 3769.80 USDT, which is lower than the previous high of 3812.38 USDT. The current price rebounded from the support level of about 3724.75 USDT, while the resistance level is around 3800 USDT. The various moving averages show that the current price is above the 7-day moving average (MA(7)), but slightly above the 25-day moving average (MA(25)), indicating that there is still some support and buying interest in the short term. However, considering the recent slowdown in trading volume and the price fluctuations in the past few hours, ETH may fluctuate and consolidate in the range of 3760-3780 USDT in the next hour. If it can stabilize in this range, it is possible to gradually rise and test the resistance level of 3800 USDT. If the trading volume continues to shrink or the market sentiment turns pessimistic, there is a risk of a retracement below the support level of 3724.75 USDT. Although ETH will mostly tend to a stable trend in the near future, considering that the ETH ETF has been approved, it may see a significant increase in the next month. $ETH