Let's be real: Trump accepting crypto donations for his 2024 campaign is a joke. It’s like sending your money to a Ben.eth presale. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ben got hired by Trump to manage the funds. Trump’s history with crypto is shady at best, and it's clear he doesn't like it. Your Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana won’t fund his campaign—they’ll go straight into his pocket. He'll liquidate them so fast you'll wish you had sold them yourself. Save your crypto, folks. Vote Biden 2024.

Trump has repeatedly called Bitcoin a scam and criticized the entire industry, yet now he’s accepting crypto donations. This is blatant hypocrisy. Remember the countless reports of him using campaign donations for personal expenses? Your crypto will likely end up the same way, funding his legal battles and personal gains rather than his campaign.

If Trump starts liquidating large amounts of crypto, it could impact the entire market, causing volatility and losses. By accepting crypto, he's exploiting the lack of regulation and transparency for his own benefit. Don’t be fooled by his sudden interest in crypto; it's just another scheme to enrich himself at the expense of his supporters.

Think about the ethical implications of this move. Trump is tapping into a market that is still struggling with issues of regulation and legitimacy. He’s using this opportunity to funnel money into his campaign and, ultimately, into his own pocket. This is not the behavior of someone who respects the rule of law or the principles of fair play.

Sending your crypto to Trump is like throwing it into a black hole. There’s no transparency, no accountability, and no guarantee that it will be used for the intended purpose. Trump’s track record speaks for itself. He’s not interested in building a better future for his supporters—he’s interested in lining his own pockets.

The 2024 election is too important to be swayed by these kinds of tactics. We need leaders who are committed to genuine progress and who will use our contributions to make a real difference.