$ETH BlackRock Ethereum Spot ETF has been listed on the DTCC website with the ticker ETHA According to Watcher.Guru, BlackRock's Ethereum Spot ETF has been listed on the DTCC website with the ticker ETHA. Note: DTCC is a US financial market infrastructure company that provides clearing, settlement and trade reporting services to financial market participants. The Ethereum Spot ETF market size is expected to reach 75% of the Bitcoin Spot ETF. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has officially approved the 19b-4 forms of eight spot Ethereum ETFs, with issuers including BlackRock, Fidelity and Grayscale. Jeffery Ding, chief analyst at HashKeyGroup, believes that Ethereum is following the successful path of Bitcoin ETF and has broad prospects. More attractive is that the Ethereum Spot ETF is expected to join the staking mechanism and become an interest-bearing asset. It is expected that in the medium term, the Ethereum Spot ETF market size is expected to reach 75% of the Bitcoin Spot ETF. In addition, Jeffery Ding believes that if the 21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act (FIT21) is passed, it will transfer the regulatory power of digital currencies from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Since the CFTC is more friendly to cryptocurrencies, other cryptocurrencies may also apply to become spot ETFs in the future, leading the crypto industry to the mainstream. Spot Ethereum ETFs may start trading in July or August. The report released by Galaxy Digital predicts that spot Ethereum ETFs will be listed on exchanges in July or August. These funds have been separated by several months from potential approval to official launch, which is in stark contrast to the relatively fast listing of Bitcoin ETFs. Before the stock of spot Ethereum ETFs changes hands, regulators must approve two types of documents: 19b-4s (proposed rule change form) and S-1s (registration statement). After the report was released, the US SEC approved the 19b-4 documents of eight spot Ethereum ETFs at the same time, and trading may start in a few weeks.