✅This time, the SEC's approval is only for Form 19b-4, which is indeed a positive signal, but we have to wait for the issuer to submit the S-1 registration form. This S-1 form is a highlight, which contains detailed information on the operation and finance of the ETF, which is particularly critical to investor interests and market transparency.

🧐The SEC's review process for S-1 is usually strict and time-consuming, and may take 60 to 120 days. In other words, although Form 19b-4 has been approved, it will take a while for the Ethereum ETF to be actually listed and traded. During this period, the SEC will carefully examine the legal, financial and operational details in the proposal to ensure that everything complies with regulatory requirements.

💪In short, the SEC has given the green light to Form 19b-4, but Form S-1 still has to go through five levels and six generals. We need to be patient and wait for the final arrival of the Ethereum ETF.

#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #ETH #5月市场关键事件