Currently, there is a lot of information about $ETH ETF as follows:
1- So has #Ethereum ETF been approved yet? YES (form 19b-4)
2- When to start trading? Companies are working with the SEC on their product details (S-1 filing), which could take 2 weeks or more.
3- Is it possible that the S-1 application will not be approved? There is no reason to pass 19b-4 without passing S-1, it's just a matter of time.
4- Today the commissioners only authorized the SEC's market regulator to approve the Ether ETF but did not vote, so is there a possibility that they can withdraw the approval order? NO, because they themselves ordered the mandate. They have the right to question the approved decision, but just to get an answer, the Ether ETF has been approved.
Source: Thuancapital