Odaily Planet Daily News Zentry Yu X said that Zentry Metagame Layer aims to transform real life into an epic MMORPG adventure. Zentry Metagame Layer is an innovative platform that unites 3 billion players across countless games and platforms to create a "game in the game" experience for players. Zentry Metagame Layer integrates social interaction, DeFi and popular games to form a dynamic game economy. In this system, you can get upgrades and rewards in Zentry by playing games, drinking coffee with friends, and interacting on social media. This new P2E model can capture value from other games and platforms, and can continue to adapt and prosper to form a lifelong game economy. At present, Zentry has announced the Web3 social portal Nexus, which transforms social interaction into an immersive gaming experience, and is about to announce Radiant, a gaming platform across Web2 and Web3, providing rich game adventures. Products Zigma and Azul will also be launched in the future. Zentry retains the essence of GuildFi, pioneers new gaming experiences and formats, and creates the ultimate shared adventure for players that spans reality and virtuality.