How much money can you make with 1,000 yuan in the currency circle?

Invest 1,000 yuan in Ripple currency,

It took 3 years to earn 20 billion

Invest 1,000 yuan in Bitcoin,

Earning 20 billion took 8 years

Invest 1,000 yuan in Xiaoyi coins,

It took 2 years to earn 5 million

Invest 1,000 yuan in Ethereum,

It took 3 years to earn 8 million

My uncle invested 1,000 yuan.

Earned 10 million in 43 days

Little fist invests 1,000 yuan,

Earning 20 million took 10 months

Invest 1,000 yuan in shit coins,

Earning 1 billion took 8 months

The cost of trial and error is not high, but the cost of missing out is high! So what opportunities did you take?