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According to#Binance Market report, as of 23:05 on May 23, 2024: The ConstitutionDAO token ($EDU) price is currently $1.0086, with a 24-hour increase of more than 32.18%.


Open Campus is a Web3 education protocol platform where teachers and creators can own the educational content they produce with tokens and use it to make money.

The mission of this project is to encourage and fully recognize teachers’ contributions to society and to provide a global alternative learning system for students around the world. EDU is the native utility token of the Open Campus ecosystem.

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1️⃣What is EDU?

EDU is the native token of the Open Campus project and is used for various transactions and interactions on the Open Campus educational platform.

You can imagine it as a "gold coin" on the platform, which students can use to purchase courses and teaching materials, and teachers can use it to sell their educational content. People who complete learning tasks or create high-quality content can also get these "gold coins" as rewards.

In addition, people who hold EDU tokens can also participate in the platform's decision-making votes to help determine the future development direction of the platform. In short, EDU tokens are an important tool on the Open Campus platform to promote the circulation of educational resources and encourage user participation.

2️⃣Project background:

The Open Campus project was created by a group of professionals who are passionate about education and blockchain technology. They come from different fields such as education, technology, and business.

The project was launched in 2023 with the goal of using blockchain technology to create a decentralized education platform to make educational resources more universal, transparent and efficient. Once launched, the project has received widespread attention and support and has developed rapidly.

3️⃣Application features:

Payment tool: Students can use EDU tokens to purchase courses and teaching materials, similar to using “electronic currency” to shop on the platform.

Reward mechanism: Teachers and students can obtain EDU tokens as rewards through excellent teaching and learning performance, just like getting points or bonuses from the platform.

Transparent and secure: Due to the use of blockchain technology, the transaction records of EDU tokens are public and cannot be tampered with, ensuring that all transactions are secure and transparent.

Platform governance: People who hold EDU tokens can participate in voting on important decisions of the platform, which is equivalent to having the "shareholder" rights of the platform.

Global applicability: EDU tokens can be used globally, allowing educational resources to be shared and traded across borders.
Promote content creation: Teachers and educational content creators can earn EDU tokens by selling courses and resources, incentivizing them to create more high-quality content.

4️⃣Vision and Mission:

Open Campus' mission is to make the education system more equitable and open. Currently, there are many problems in the education industry, such as the difficulty in accessing high-quality educational resources, unclear academic certification, and educators not getting the recognition and compensation they deserve. We believe that Web3 technology can help solve these problems by supporting teachers, students, and educational institutions in innovative ways.

Its vision is to drive change in education through a community of partners committed to leveraging transparency and interoperability. We hope to properly recognize educators for their contributions, provide students with trusted credentials to help them gain access to more opportunities, and allow educational institutions to more effectively distribute and monetize their services.

As the traditional one-size-fits-all education model becomes obsolete, Open Campus offers a flexible and adaptable solution. We envision a future where equality, accessibility and recognition are not just ideals, but the foundation of education.


Open Campus is reshaping the future of education through its innovative Web3 technology and EDU token. The platform is committed to creating a more fair, open and efficient education system, allowing teachers and creators to receive due recognition and rewards, while providing students with more learning opportunities and resources. With the significant growth and widespread attention of the EDU token, Open Campus has demonstrated strong potential and influence.

PS: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, you should understand the situation and market analysis. This article does not constitute any investment advice.

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