
Dotcoin is a game and ecosystem token that can later be exchanged for the main token in a private TON (this token will be announced soon)

The project cooperates with GRAM, TON, PEPE TON.

How to mine?

You just need to click on the dot in the circle.

The circle has 4 “areas”: x1/x2/x3/x4.

You have 25 seconds each round to earn as many tokens as possible.

The main task is to complete a circle from x1 to x4 in one round in 25 seconds.

And the main goal is to stay in the “x4 zone” for as long as possible in order to earn more coins within 25 seconds.

What to spend it on?

1. multiple taps

2. additional attempts

Ideas and principles:

• The game does not have an auto-clicker.

• You can't just tap as fast as possible.

You will have to adapt to the expanding circle in order to get more coins.

• There is x2 game for coins.

Daily draws among players:

4 times a day, 20 people can win 0.5 TON.

4 times a day, 20 people can win 100 GRAM.

Money is distributed using vouchers in Cryptobot.

• Clan system with bonuses for all participants.

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