Web3 :

Web3 (or Web 3.0) is a concept for a new era of the Internet, which is based on decentralization, transparency and the use of blockchain technologies. Unlike Web 2.0, where data and content are centralized and controlled by large corporations, Web3 aims to give users greater autonomy and control over their data.

Web3's core principles include:

1. Decentralization: Using blockchain technologies for distributed data storage.

2. Tokenization: Creation and use of digital tokens for various purposes such as governance, voting and incentives.

3. Smart contracts: Self-executing contracts that automatically execute the terms of agreements without the need for intermediaries.

4. Decentralized Applications (dApps): Applications that run on the blockchain and give users complete control over their usage and data.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations):

A DAO is a form of organization that is governed by smart contracts on the blockchain and has no central leadership. In a DAO, decisions are made collectively and voting rights are distributed among participants based on token ownership.

Main characteristics of DAO:

1. Decentralized governance: Power and control are distributed among participants.

2. Transparency: All actions and decisions of the DAO are recorded on the blockchain, making them accessible and verifiable to everyone.

3. Autonomy: DAO operations and functions are performed automatically using smart contracts.

4. Voting: Token holders can vote on proposals and decisions, influencing the direction and development of the organization.

Examples of using Web3 and DAO:

1. Financial services (DeFi): Decentralized finance (DeFi) allows users to access financial services without intermediaries such as banks. Examples include decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and staking.

2. Project Management: DAOs can be used to manage projects where participants can propose ideas, vote on them, and receive rewards for their contributions.

3. Gaming Platforms: In the gaming industry, Web3 allows the creation of games where users can own in-game assets and earn tokens for gaming activity.


Web3 and the DAO universe represent a new approach to interaction on the Internet, giving users more autonomy and opportunities to participate in various projects and initiatives. These technologies aim to create a more open, transparent and decentralized ecosystem where everyone can participate and contribute.