$ETH also had 7 consecutive months of green candlesticks like $BTC and it was almost scripted that the 8th month of candlestick correction would begin and most altcoins were divided by 2 and 3, then there was news that the possibility of the SEC approving ETH-ETF increased from 25% to 75% surprised everyone and was even more surprising when most investors had already all-in and divided altcoins by 2 and 3 so there was no capital left to DCA to average the price and it was like a spiral. but almost the vast majority of investors cannot identify a clear trend.

There are only a few hours left until there will be official information about whether ETH-ETF is approved or rejected, but whether the SEC approves it due to political pressure or something is no longer so important. But the important thing in the long run is to have common laws for the entire crypto market, especially altcoins when this is a delicious piece of cake for many organizations and individuals to draw the blood of investors.

Note: This is a personal perspective, not investment advice. #Write2Earn #hotTrends #trendingtopic #ETHETF