12 warnings about the mentality of cryptocurrency trading, you will make money if you understand them! !

1. Be cautious and always be in awe of the market;

2. Trade with spare money, never fill your position, there is no 100% certainty, and you must leave yourself a way out in any situation;

3. Learn to trade, start with small funds, the cryptocurrency circle is not a casino, trading is a gambling with technology and logic, and this technology is the result of continuous learning and experience accumulation;

4. No matter how high your technology is or how good your mentality is, you must cooperate with the market, don't always think about the big market, facts have proved that small fluctuations account for 80% of the time, it's time to take a break;

5. There is no perfect trading system, the one that suits you is the best, and you can't copy it blindly;

6. The capital curve also has a trend, follow your own state, and go with the trend;

7. Never worry about missing opportunities, this market is the most What is not lacking is opportunities. The key is to know whether the market is suitable for you, otherwise the opportunity becomes a risk;

8. You must have your own logic. I have not heard of anyone who has made a lot of money in this market just by relying on other people's news;

9. You must develop correct trading habits. As long as the time is long enough, any small flaws in the trading system will be magnified exponentially. The market is fair, and you will have to pay for it sooner or later;

10. You should control your own destiny. Never put yourself in a desperate situation, waiting for miracles to happen;

11. Funds are soldiers, we are generals, and trading is a protracted war. Don't be arrogant when you win, don't be discouraged when you lose, and only those who persist to the end will be the final winners;

12. Risk, risk, risk, as long as you don't lose money, it's only a matter of time before you make money.

The market is always right, welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion. $BTC $SOL