In the currency circle, can you earn more than 100% in a year?

With a deposit of only $60,000, you can be safe! !

A monthly profit of 5-10% is already 4-5 times the salary of an ordinary person

This topic may be harmful to many people

But our currency needs to let everyone know that not only contracts can make money

When I read this article, I can only say that you burned a lot of incense in your last life

Today I’m going to share how to make stable arbitrage profits of 120% in one year.

In the currency circle, there is something called "funding rate"

When the tariff is a positive number: the long party needs to pay the short party

When the tariff is negative: the short party needs to pay the long party

It's as simple as everyone knows


Things to note when it comes to tariff arbitrage!

The tariffs of some currencies fluctuate greatly

Example: 0.08/0.03/-0.04

A currency like this that changes positive and negative multiple times a day and is unstable

Let's just skip it and not think about it

Or we will skip the coins whose results are less than 4 times a day.

Then we can’t do anything with coins with negative fees.

If the tariff is negative, it means that the contract is short.

Fees need to be paid to Gou Duofang, so negative charges are not considered.


How to arbitrage?

Find out the long-term tariff "0.05%"

That is, you are shorting in the contract market

Ability to obtain tariffs from multiple parties

Next, we have to consider how many times he settles a day.

It is best to use a coin that can be settled 6 times

So in this way, you can get 0.05% times 6 in one day

In other words, you can earn 0.3% interest in one day without any thought.

In one month, you can get 10% profit in the contract market


What should I do if the short selling fee has increased?

We can buy spot in the spot market for hedging

The operation method is very simple. Buy 1:1 products.

Spot purchase of $30,000: Short contract position with 1x leverage of $30,000

Wouldn’t this make you invincible and not afraid of ups and downs?


What tariff coins are available for arbitrage now?

Sorry, if I say it, everyone will do it

I can't make money beyond what others know.

Too many people operating at the same time will cause price changes

So I want to know which coins can be operated

Or if you want to hear me share the details of tariff arbitrage, find me yourself

Thank you everyone for watching

If you have any criticism or advice, please leave a message to share!

Attached below is the rate currency record I found that has been stable for half a year.

#資費幣 #山寨币热点 #新币挖矿 $BTC $ETH