
Limecoin is a game created on the Telegram platform. A community united around the mining of a new digital currency - LimeCoin.

How to mine?

Click on the coin in the middle of the screen and receive Limecoins.

Energy does not replenish! You have only 1 day's supply per day!

What to spend on?

There will be an opportunity for transfer, withdrawal and sale of coins. Coins can be used both on the platform and on other services and platforms (in the future)

Ideas and principles:

• Earn coins while they are still there..

Calculations have been made so that mining 1 Limecoin is equal in time to mining 1 Bitcoin.

• Mining - mining is done through clicks. You can increase the efficiency of clicks, the speed of energy recovery and other boosters for mining.

• 21,000,000 coins - the maximum amount.

There will be no additions or reductions.

The total issue is limited to 21 million coins.

• Halving - reducing production by 2 times.

There will be a total of 16 halvings (the cost of a click will be reduced by 2 times each time)

• Transparency - circulating coins, the halving process, leaders and teams - everything will be available to everyone.

At the moment, almost 8 million coins have been mined.

There is still time to manage to mine the remaining 13 million!

The developers promise that a listing on exchanges will soon take place.

They don't require any money, so we mine the coins and wait.

You can enter the project by following the link


There is also a clan created in the game.


Ссылка на телеграм канал со всеми тап ботами
