Those who cannot take orders from themselves will have to live their lives at the expense of others.

A gentleman benefits the few by collecting more, and he gives things in equal measure.

Gen is the mountain and Kun is the ground. There are mountains on the ground. The ground is low and the mountains are high. This means that the inside is high but the outside is low. It is a metaphor for not being proud of one's achievements, not being proud of one's fame, and not being proud of one's high status. This is Qian.

Elephant: The mountain should be on the ground, but now it is underground, representing the virtue of humility.

Fortune: Good luck and safety, unlimited future, but arrogance must be eliminated.

Career: Not yet taken seriously by others, but due to high moral character, people will eventually discover him. You don't have to express yourself intentionally, especially don't give up the virtue of humility. If you work hard, you will definitely get help from others and make great achievements in your career.

Gen is a mountain, and there are mountains in the ground. It is high on the inside and low on the outside. It is high but not arrogant. This is the hexagram of the Qian hexagram. A gentleman observes this hexagram, takes humility as his heart, cuts off what is superfluous and adds to what is lacking, weighs the amount of property and gives it fairly.