There are some problems in the Arab community regarding digital currencies and trading in general. Some important points:

1. Trading in digital currencies is not magic or the occult, but rather an activity based on analysis and understanding. Traders should develop basic skills such as trend analysis, support and resistance on their own.

2. Blindly relying on analyst recommendations or advice without understanding the rationale behind them is dangerous. Traders should be able to evaluate these recommendations themselves.

3. Mistakes and failures in predictions are normal and are not an indication of dealing with magic or possessing the ability to know the unseen. The important thing is to learn from these mistakes and continue to improve skills.

4. In general, traders in the Arab community should devote more time and effort to developing their understanding of financial markets and digital currencies. This will help them make more informed and effective investment decisions.

The bottom line is that we need to spread awareness and focus on systematically building knowledge in this field rather than relying on myths and false beliefs. This is the path to development and success in the world of trading.