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Pencils Protocol (formerly Penpad) is a comprehensive income platform in the Scroll ecosystem that integrates LaunchPad, Staking, Vault and other functions. It is also the most popular head ecosystem in the Scroll ecosystem. As Pencils Protocol completes the brand upgrade, its series of combinable functions will also be gradually available to users. At the same time, the Season 3 event that Penicls Protocol has launched is also the best opportunity for Scroll ecosystem users to eat multiple birds with one stone.

Season 3 Events

Season 3 is actually a brand new activity after the brand upgrade. In Season 3, users can obtain super high APR, series points, airdrops and other benefits through a series of joint activities. Season 3 also represents the full launch of the ecosystem. Several specific activities in Season 3 include:

l Activity 1: Jointly initiated by Pencils Protocol, Scroll, Trust, the leading LRT and LSD protocols, Galxe, etc., during the event, ultra-high APR incentives and high-multiple Points will be provided to participating users.

l Activity 2: Pencils Protocol and Ecosystem jointly form an airdrop alliance to provide multiple airdrop incentives for participants.

Users can participate by staking ETH. Season 2 users can transfer their ETH to Season 3 with one click, and the returns of Season 2 and Season 3 are seamlessly connected.

Gaining more with Season 3

In fact, Season 3 represents multiple benefits. Users can kill two birds with one stone through Pencils Protocol in Season 3. Several potential benefits include:

1. Pencils Points Rewards

During Season 3, Pencils Protocol will work with a series of partners to launch some high APR yield staking activities, including multiple forms of staking, etc. Users can obtain high APR income through staking, while receiving rewards such as Pencils points.

For Season 2 users, they can transfer their staked ETH in the event to Season 3 with one click, and enjoy the rich benefits from Season 3, with seamless benefits. However, it should be noted that during the S3 event, users can easily transfer ETH to S3 Staking with one click, and continue to deposit until TGE. The Points accumulated in the S2 stage will be converted into Pencils points according to a specific ratio and will be issued separately as an additional reward after the event. If users withdraw their staked ETH tokens before TGE, they will lose the qualification to receive this additional reward.

Pencils points are an important incentive certificate for the Pencils Protocol ecosystem. In the upcoming Vault section, pencil points can be used to obtain high leverage in the Vaults leverage mining section to obtain higher returns.

At the same time, it is also the only exchange tool for obtaining specific quotas of Launch projects. For example, the next Launch project has a quota equivalent to 10w USDT. The number of pencil points a user has determines the weight of the purchase quota he obtains. From the perspective of airdrops, Pencil point holders will also continue to receive a series of Pencils Protocol airdrops, as well as candy bag airdrops from its ecological partners. In addition, Pencil point holders can also redeem some rights and physical goods in the Shop section.

Season 3 is the best time for users to earn Pencils points, especially Season 2 users need to pay attention to the rules to keep staking.

2. Benefit 2: Scroll Points (Marks)

After users transfer ETH to Season 3, they can also get Scroll Points (Marks) rewards. The rewards are provided by the Scroll Foundation with Scroll Points (Marks) incentives, and the APR is as high as 25%.

In principle, the specific weight of Scroll Points (Marks) will be directly related to the user's stake amount and stake duration.

From the perspective of staking time weight, the longer the user continues to stake in the Staking section, the higher the Scroll Points (Marks) weight will be. Therefore, if the user can continue to stake assets to S3 Staking until before TGE, he will get more Scroll Points (Marks), thereby enhancing his contribution to the project and the rights and interests he enjoys.

At the same time, the continuity of staking is equally important. If a user chooses to withdraw assets during the staking period, this will directly weaken their time weight coefficient, resulting in a significant discount in the weight of previously accumulated Scroll Points (Marks), and may even result in the loss of part or all of the rewards already obtained. Therefore, the best way for users to get this benefit is to continue staking and increase the amount of staking.

Scroll Points (Marks) are the equity certificates of Scroll. It is expected that with the opening of a series of rights and interests in the subsequent Scroll ecosystem, including airdrops, it will be an important basis for obtaining some rights and interests from the Scroll ecosystem. At present, many on-chain ecosystems based on points have successively fulfilled their promises. Considering the status of the Scroll ecosystem in the Layer2 field and some airdrop expectations revealed by the ecosystem, Scroll Points (Marks) must be obtained. Participating in staking through Season 3 will be the best way to obtain Scroll Points (Marks).

3. Super high APR

During the S3 event, the Scroll Foundation will provide users who participate in the Pencils Protocol Staking Pool with attractive dynamic incentives, with an APR of up to 25%. Therefore, while earning Pencils and Scroll Points, users can also enjoy high returns on single-coin deposits that far exceed the industry average. In fact, the current average level of DeFi Farming APR returns in the industry is less than 10%. Not only can you get super high staking returns, but you can also hold coins based on ETH and wait for them to rise, and you can get a series of airdrops.

4. Ecological Alliance Airdrop

During the event, all users who participate in S3 Staking will be 100% eligible for Pencils Protocol Genesis airdrops. In addition, partners will continuously provide airdrop incentives to the Staking pool, and users can flexibly withdraw a variety of tokens from the Staking pool as additional airdrop income.

Of course, Season 3 is also the best entry point for users to explore Pencils Protocol. The new section of Pencils Protocol will be able to be further integrated with some LSD, Restaking protocols, etc. to help the Scroll ecosystem capture liquidity, improve network security, and bring further benefits to users.

During the event, users can also earn more Points through Restaking - stake additional ETH through Puffer or StakingStone, and then stake pufETH or Stone to Pencils Protocol staking, and get the following multiple Points at the same time:

Eigenlayer Points and twice the Puffer Points (requires staking pufETH)

Triple StakeStone W1 Points (Requires staking $Stone, 3x Points in the first 10 days, 2x Points after 10 days)

Season 3 has been launched on May 20th. Users will be able to participate by staking ETH, Restaking, etc., and receive a series of valuable rewards including super high APR, Pencils points, token candy airdrops, Scroll Points (Marks), etc. It is also an important opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.