Original author: @ai_9684xtpa

Original source: X

In the trading world, time is money

How to learn to use on-chain monitoring to get information as soon as smart money operates and be one step ahead? This is a sharing of monitoring tools covering all stages of "novice > transition > expert"

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Zerion (@zerion) is the easiest to use and the most suitable for beginners among the monitoring tools shared this time: download the App, click "+" on the wallet interface to paste the wallet address to complete the configuration. However, by default, Zerion will push all transaction records to you through the App, so once you add more addresses or operate on addresses more frequently, the push will explode.

At this time, you can set up monitoring of only some transaction behaviors in the "Management Page", such as Trade / Deposit, etc.

It should be noted that Zerion itself is a wallet application and does not support more sophisticated filtering conditions, such as transaction amount, transaction token, etc. Therefore, it is more suitable for beginners (completely free). Once you are more proficient, you can transition to the following tools.

Arkham Arkham(@ArkhamIntel) is an All-in-One data analysis tool with built-in monitoring function. You need to complete the address or token configuration on the web page and select Telegram/Slack/Webhook to receive monitoring messages. Portal: https://platform.arkhamintelligence.com/signup?a=Aiaptx

The free version has a limited number of records: 500 records per hour and 25,000 records per month, which is usually enough.

Arkham Advantages

  1. All in One: Monitoring and Analysis

  2. Support batch monitoring, such as DWF Labs on-chain address collection

  3. There are complete address labels to facilitate identification of address ownership

  4. Supports common filtering items, such as transaction amount/token/counterparty/network, etc.

It is more suitable for those who have experience in on-chain transactions or have higher requirements for monitoring. Operation tutorial: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RRc_sxINJuk


Cielo (@CieloFinance) is positioned very similarly to Arkham. It is also a data analysis tool with built-in monitoring function. The free version supports monitoring 250 addresses.

  1. Support for Solana Network

  2. The monitoring information is more readable, for example, the contract address of the trading token will be displayed, and the first purchase of tokens will be marked with stars.

  3. As a data tool, labeling and querying are not as fast as Arkham

One of the features in the paid version of Cielo is quite interesting: it can give special reminders for the information of "multiple monitored wallets buying the same token", telling you that "smart money is buying a certain token" to increase the chances of winning the transaction.

Web portal: https://app.cielo.finance

Monitoring operation tutorial: https://docs.cielo.finance/custom-alerts

Arkham and Cielo, choose one based on your preference


The above three tools focus more on "address dimension" monitoring, while Scopechat focuses more on tokens.

When you monitor PEPE for large changes, you may receive 99+ messages in a day; using Scopechat is like hiring a secretary who only reports information that is worth paying attention to, such as

- Smart money buys and sells PEPE with abnormal trading volume

- Abnormal funding rate of CEX contracts

- Meme versions have seen a general increase

My experience is that Scopechat (@0xScopescan) is more suitable for use with Arkham / Cielo as a macro basis for auxiliary trading, supplementing the information of sectors and smart money

Web portal: https://scopechat.ai/home?referralCode=t4Ck69mj&ch=ai_9684xtpa

Monitoring operation tutorial: https://docs.scopechat.ai/v/scopechat-wen-dang/how-to-use/ai-jiao-yi-xin-hao

For most people, the tools introduced above can meet 95% of monitoring needs, but if you are a chain expert or monitoring enthusiast, you can use Chainbot to keep improving. In addition to regular filtering items, Chainbot also supports advanced gameplay such as monitoring contract deployment/calling specific method names/abnormal blocks, which requires you to have a solid foundation on the chain. Web portal: https://chainbot.io