Today I was reminded of a very interesting thing, about Brother Sun!

Do you remember that Brother Sun bought 14,000 ETH at an average price of 3205 some time ago, about a month ago, and then on May Day, ETH fell to 2817, and then many people laughed at Brother Sun for finally being cut. At that time, the floating loss should be about 40 million RMB, which is a huge fortune for ordinary people. At that time, a lot of people laughed at him!

Today, a month later, the price of ETH has reached 3740, with the highest price of 3846. The 14,000 ETH purchased by Brother Sun at that time also went from a floating loss of 40 million RMB to a floating profit of nearly 60 million RMB.

So this incident tells us that we should never underestimate the unique vision of a big man. When a big man enters a certain field in a big way, there is definitely a reason, and it is definitely not groundless. The reason why the big man can have the current status is definitely not achieved by luck alone.

Just a few days ago, Brother Sun bought 4232 ETH at an average price of 3593. Tomorrow is the last day of the ETF. Whether it passes or not, there will be a callback, and the price may be lower than now. At that time, it depends on whether you dare to buy these bloody chips!