$PEOPLE #假如我是说假如 "Let me tell you a secret. Yesterday my parrot pecked through the piggy bank and flew to the exchange to buy People Coin. Today, it had an oatmeal milkshake for breakfast!"

"No way, Dave, your parrot knows more about investment than I do? It seems that I have to keep up with the trend, otherwise I will be worse than a bird."

"Trend? Trends are just floating clouds, People Coin is the hard truth. I heard that the market wave it is about to set off is more powerful than the splashes of my Husky when taking a bath!"

"Wait, you said People Coin is going to lead the trend Are you showing off? Then won't my collection of retro tapes be outshined by digital currency? "

"Tapes? Man, can your nostalgia be used as currency? Once the People's currency is released, your tapes may only be used to wrap up outdated troubles. "

"Okay, I'll study it now, but I don't want to use a flip phone when others use People's currency to buy tickets to Mars! "

"Yes, when you are ready, we have already used People's currency to buy meteorite fragments as souvenirs on the moon. Get on board, the spaceship waits for no one! "$PEOPLE