The daily exchange rate of BNB (BNB) to USD fluctuated between a high of $620.75 on Wednesday and a low of $569.18 on Friday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of BNB in USD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Tuesday (1 days ago) by $26.55 (4.6%).

Compare the daily prices of BNB (BNB) in USD and their 24-hour price movements for the week.

DateDay of the week1 BNB to USD24hr ChangesChange %May 22, 2024Wednesday$620.75$21.903.7%May 21, 2024Tuesday$600.78$26.554.6%May 20, 2024Monday$574.23-$5.440.9%May 19, 2024Sunday$579.67-$1.680.3%May 18, 2024Saturday$581.35$12.172.1%May 17, 2024Friday$569.18-$13.092.2%May 16, 2024Thursday$582.28$15.62