How to earn one million yuan starting from three thousand yuan in the cryptocurrency circle?

Although earning one million yuan from three thousand yuan sounds like a huge challenge, it is not impossible. Below I will provide you with a practical plan, as long as you can stick to it, this goal is possible.

The first step is to increase the initial principal. You can consider increasing the principal to about ten thousand yuan through short-term work or saving expenses. In this way, you have more funds to invest and increase the potential for profit.

The second step is to choose the right investment time and currency. When the weekly line of Bitcoin is above MA20, you can consider buying some new and potential currencies. These currencies are best emerging in the bear market because they often have higher upside potential. Remember to pay attention to the hot spots and stories in the market, which will help you find potential currencies.

The third step is to set a stop loss point. When Bitcoin falls below MA20, you need to stop loss decisively to avoid further losses. At the same time, during the buying or waiting period, you can continue to make money in other ways to provide yourself with more financial support.

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