The Artificial Intelligence Conundrum: The Evolving Labor Market, Green Issues, and the (Un)Difference-making Impact of Cryptocurrency Institutions

Is it a wolf I hear?

Or arrogant and submissive

A dog barking?

Howling with a lonely communication,

Talking to uncontrolled stars...

From what pride, the only one,

To create a tool?

Twisting and torturing,

Thousands of years?

How do we measure the distance from soul to soul?

And to whom do we place the blame?

“Quellcrist Falconer, Poems and Other Exaggerations”

Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly and surpassing itself every day. However, the future it promises is full of uncertainties. Will AI lead to mass unemployment or herald a new era of capitalism filled with untapped opportunities and skills needed for jobs that don't exist today? The answer will most likely be somewhere in between.

One thing is certain: the companies producing the AI ​​chips that are making this revolution happen already dominate the Nasdaq. This is a testament to the growth potential. But this progress comes with a heavy price. While John Elkington's Green Swan approach, which focuses on preparing for highly impactful and unpredictable events, is promising, AI's endless consumption of energy and water could worsen the climate crisis that the Green Swan approach is intended to address.

Both are complex and multidimensional problems. In addition to technological solutions and political steps, it also requires individual behavioral changes and global cooperation. Both pose a major threat to the future of humanity. The consequences of climate change are already being felt, and the uncontrolled use of AI can lead to unforeseen consequences. Both require innovative solutions and creative thinking. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to break away from the status quo and be open to new perspectives.#YapayZekaTRCommUNITY