There is a clear and sweet stream beside the temple. When passers-by are thirsty, they will scoop up a handful of water to quench their thirst.

The abbot saw that everyone was scooping water with their hands, which was very inconvenient, so he placed a broken bowl by the stream so that everyone could drink water.

One day, a rich man passed by this place and saw that everyone was drinking water with broken bowls. He felt that it was a spoiling of this beautiful scene, so he asked people to replace it with exquisite bowls.

The next day, after someone drank water from the bowl, he felt that the bowl was exquisite and unusual, and he became greedy, so he put the bowl in his arms and quietly took it away.

A few days later, the rich man passed by again and saw that the exquisite bowl was gone. Just when he was depressed, he suddenly saw the abbot coming, holding a new bowl, knocking it lightly on the rock, making a gap in the bowl, and then putting it back to its original place.

The rich man was puzzled and asked the abbot what he meant by this? The abbot replied: "Things that are too perfect are easy to make people greedy; things that are incomplete can last longer."