Everyone can become an investor. This thing seems very simple, but it is often the most difficult. I have listed the following seven stages of the growth process of investors, each of which has its own unique characteristics and challenges. We are all travelers on the road of trading, and I have summarized the seven stages of investors:

1. Investors with nothing

Characteristics: All money is spent on debt and consumption. Current situation: About 70% of the world's people are in this stage, and they cannot accumulate wealth.

2. Borrowing investors

Characteristics: No funds, but hope to get rich quickly by borrowing money to invest or leverage. Risk: The risk is extremely high, and it is easy to be in debt due to investment failure.

3. Savings investors

Characteristics: Accumulate wealth through savings and rely on interest income. Problem: The inflation rate is fast, the actual purchasing power of savings has declined, and it will lose money in the long run. For example, the value of 1 million yuan 20 years ago and 1 million yuan now is very different.

4. Smart investors

Characteristics: Have a high degree of education and have an investment foundation, but are not professional and proficient. Types that are sometimes swayed by market sentiment:

Don't bother me type: Leave the funds to professionals.

Resistant type: Seemingly understand investment, but too conservative and afraid to take actual action.

Gambler type: Tend to adopt high-risk and high-return investment strategies, and even go all-in.

5. Long-term investors

Characteristics: Understand and learn investment through small investments, and hold assets for a long time. Achievements: Most millionaires belong to this stage, and achieve wealth growth through long-term holding and compound interest.

6. Mature investors

Characteristics: Richer than long-term investors, with larger investment amounts. Strategy: Do not over-diversify investments, but concentrate funds in a certain field because they have expert-level knowledge and experience in this field.

7. Capitalists

Characteristics: The highest level of investment, accumulating wealth by issuing stocks and monopolizing the market. Strategy: Use other people's time, money and wisdom to make money for yourself, and finally reach the state of "being invested".

From having nothing to becoming a capitalist, investors need to go through multiple stages, and each step has different challenges and opportunities. Understanding and mastering the characteristics and strategies of each stage is the key to achieving wealth growth and investment success.Investing may seem simple, but to truly master it and succeed, you need to keep learning, practicing, and accumulating experience. So the question is, what stage of investor are you at now? $BTC $SOL $ETH