📢📢News in the blockchain industry! ARK Invest, led by Cathie Wood, made a big move on May 20, reducing its holdings of 14,633 shares of ARK 21Shares Active Bitcoin Futures Strategy ETF (ARKA), with a total value of approximately US$977,000💰💰. Not only that, they also reduced their holdings of 53,668 shares of Robinhood stock (HOOD), with a total value of approximately US$1.118 million💸💸.

This move has attracted widespread attention in the market. Although we remain neutral on the market, we are optimistic about the prospects of Bitcoin🚀🚀. Does ARK Invest's reduction in holdings indicate the future trend of Bitcoin? This is a question worthy of our in-depth study.

In general, the dynamics of the blockchain industry are volatile, and we need to remain vigilant and pay close attention to global regulatory dynamics, industry trends, and the latest news on cryptocurrencies. Let us look forward to the future of blockchain together! 🌟🌟