Ten signs of an upcoming bull market in the cryptocurrency circle

1. There is an endless stream of short sellers, but no matter how they act, they cannot break the seemingly fragile upward momentum. The bull market is like a dragon, and those who go against the trend will be eliminated.

2. The rise of junk coins is like fire, breaking away from the constraints of logic. They seem to be transformed into gorgeous fireworks, blooming in the night sky, intoxicating people.

3. Most people claim to cut their meat at a low point, but unexpectedly missed the rolling wealth. They waited for the opportunity to buy at the bottom, but watched the price continue to rise, and pain and regret were intertwined in their hearts.

4. People around them asked one after another, hoping to get advice on buying coins. Even those who have never been in the cryptocurrency circle began to offer their wealth, eager to rush into this world full of opportunities.

5. Halving, interest rate cuts, and raising the debt ceiling, good news is endless, as if endless bullets are constantly fired. Every good news is like a rain of steel, breaking the silence of the market.

6. The trend extends infinitely horizontally and the height keeps climbing. Horizontal growth cannot be compared with vertical rise, as if all horizontal forces cannot stop this upward momentum.

7. Despite the crazy market, there are very few people who can really get on this train. They enjoy the feast of the bull market, resonate with the market, and are not affected by the outside world.

8. Every day, I feel that I have missed 100 million, and the passage of time makes people regret it. But in the bull market, every day is a new opportunity, and the missed wealth is only fleeting.

9. It used to be amazing to rise a few points every day, but now it seems mediocre to rise dozens of points every day. The carnival of the market has gradually numb people, and they have become accustomed to the huge increase.

10. The dream of getting rich overnight is not far away, it is right in front of you. In this intoxicating bull market, the legend of wealth has become more real, and everyone has the opportunity to realize their dream of wealth.

The arrival of the bull market in the currency circle is like a gorgeous picture scroll unfolding, attracting people's eyes and minds. Let us witness this moment full of passion and opportunities together and feel the unique charm of the cryptocurrency world.