$ENA There hasn’t been such a price jump for a long time. Well, it seems she reacted this time. As one whale friend of mine says: buy ENA anyway, the price will reach at least 1 dollar. Now we can already see 0.8; is this a lot or a little? Well, our boat still has a long way to go to reach the desired values ​​⛵️

Or crawl like a turtle 🐢 or even a snail 🐌; but do not forget about the fleet-footed Achilles, who could not catch up with the tortoise. And the tortoise and the hare are also fast. And most importantly, look at the price $ETH ; friends, let's keep an eye on the events. I think I’ll get in touch again in the near future. I would like to brew some more chamomile to drink. And let’s not forget to say words of gratitude for this grace. Thank you Lord for such evening comfort in the house and may there be help to all those in need and may the peoples be reconciled, amen. #ena #ethena #saturn #Ethereum #ETH Glory to the Lord forever, amen