Let me say a few words.

It's been a long time since I started. In a bull market, don't play hy. The increase in spot prices is no worse than that in contracts.

Secondly, the bull market is inherently volatile. The risks associated with hy will also be magnified accordingly.

Also, if you must play hy, then please be sure to bring a stop loss. If you are beaten, you must stand at attention. Don't think about being greedy or unwilling. If you are wrong, you are wrong. Don't make excuses for yourself or have a fluke mentality.

Stop loss is not a bad thing. It is normal to lose money. The financial market is a zero-sum game. You should make money when you should make money and you should lose money when you should lose money. Don't just accept making money and not accepting losses. Resisting orders is the biggest risk in the financial market.

Finally, I emphasize again. Don't play contracts in a bull market. Really. When the bull market comes, without a stop loss, no matter how many U-s will burst.

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