As in my previous post, i have predicted about the PEPE market that it will retest before going upward towards 1500, so that was happening exactly what I had predicted.

Market, firstly retested till 1020, then i have told you people that if it breaks the 1020 support then it will go till 850, secondly the support at 1020 level broke and market got down till 880, still i predict that if the market stays above 900 for next day or two, then market will go upwards towards 1500.

On the other hand, if the market tests 850, then there might be chances of going till 770 and then after, the market will rock to the sky.

Everyone! enjoy your profits.

Wish you All the best, May ALLAH keep you all away from losses.

DYOR, This article is based on fundamental as well as technical analysis and this is not a financial advice.

