🎉Good news for online betting enthusiasts! BSC has released a list of top major sites in South Korea, all of which have been operating for over 10 years and have a capital of over 30 billion won. These sites have been verified by millions of players worldwide, not just by a single verification site.

🌎They include 1XBET, the world's highest dividend company and the most popular major site in Korea, 1WIN, which offers a 500% welcome bonus and free money, and WEGO88, a multi-platform site supporting five sportsbooks.

👍These sites have been licensed in the UK, Curacao, Malta, and the Philippines, and are operating in dozens of countries including the Asia-Pacific market, Europe, and South America.

📈In the Korean market in 2024, there are a total of 13 foreign companies, and among them, six companies that have been verified as major sites based on the number of Korean members alone.

đŸŽČWhether you're into sports betting or casino games, these sites have got you covered. So why not take a chance and join the fun?

Remember, always bet responsibly! 😊 #OnlineBetting #MajorSites #Investment #Economics