The legendary experience of a poor scholar in ancient times (the most vivid and popular financial explanation, haha)

In ancient times, there was a poor scholar who met a lady on his way to Beijing for an imperial examination. Seeing his talent, the lady decided to spend a night with him, and said with tears in her eyes when she left: "If you pass the imperial examination, don't let me down." The scholar vowed and continued to move forward with the silver given by the lady. The lady asked the maid to record the scholar's name in the book. The maid said helplessly: "This is the fifth scholar!" The lady sighed: "There will always be one who will pass the exam." - This is the "venture capital" in ancient times.

After the scholar left, he asked the book boy to record the lady's name and sighed: "This is the 100th one." - This is the "financing" in ancient times.

The boy who accompanied the scholar asked, "Sir, since you left home three years ago, you have slept with more than ninety women. Are we still going to take the exam?" The scholar replied, "Isn't it for money and women to take the exam to become a high official? Now there are more than ninety infatuated women, why take the exam?" - This is the ancient "bubble economy".

After the maid wrote down the scholar's name, she took out a small book from her bosom and wrote down the name of the first boy - this is the ancient "follow-up investment".

The boy recalled the taste of more than ninety maids, weighed the private silver in his pocket, and followed the scholar's gestures closely - this is the ancient "platform".

After arriving in Beijing, the scholar asked the boy to go to the casino to bet one-tenth of the silver that he would not pass the exam - this is the ancient "hedging".

The scholar was favored by the princess, exempted from the exam, and directly recruited as a son-in-law - this is the ancient "listing".

After the scholar became a royal consort, he was unable to fulfill his promise to more than 90 women, causing them to lose all their investments - this is the ancient "P2P".

When the young lady learned that the scholar had become rich, she knew that her investment had gone down the drain, so she went to the capital to beat the drum to complain - this is the ancient "rights protection".

The capital was in chaos, and the emperor was furious when he learned about it. He divorced the scholar and ordered him to be beheaded at the Meridian Gate - this is the ancient "delisting".

At 12:30 pm, when the executioner was swinging his knife, a eunuch shouted "Spare her life!" It turned out that the scholar's mother was Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake - this is the ancient "saving the market".

After the scholar was rescued, the emperor announced: "More than 90 women in the early stage were all taken as concubines of the prince consort, and bathed in the emperor's grace!" - This is the ancient "debt-to-equity swap".

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