Kenya #以太坊开发者 The last day of interoperability, what did #V神 say in the latest article?

Let's summarize first. Although Ethereum has taken some steps to enhance decentralization, there is still more work to be done, especially in achieving true light clients, decentralized storage, and cross-Layer2 bridges.

Several important issues are as follows:

-#MEV Issue: MEV-related issues are discussed, including how it affects block creation and transaction selection, how to minimize the negative impact of MEV through technologies such as encrypted memory pools and proposer/builder separation (PBS), and the concept of MEV isolation.

-#流动性质押 Issue: Pointed out that most staking is done through centralized providers, and proposed potential solutions to enhance the experience of individual stakers.

-#去中心化存储 Issue: The idea of ​​storing old historical records through a distributed network is proposed to enhance the decentralization and robustness of the network.