Still empty? Was it directly smashed to pieces?

Sometimes you really shouldn’t place orders based on the news.

Even if he wants to go down, he won't let you go down so smoothly.

Everyone knows that there is an unlock, everyone knows that the amount is large, and everyone knows that they want to sell it after they get it.

But the bookmakers also know this information🤣Maybe the market has already digested it in advance

I just posted that article and said that I bought a little bit, so you told me why I didn’t buy it later and why I didn’t wait until it was unlocked.

I bought spot money, so there was no difference, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold it, so I pledged it directly so that I wouldn't sell it or lose it.

I saw someone said it was unlocked? I don’t know. Maybe it’s unlocked, maybe not yet.

I'm really not good at making contracts, but I really saw a lot of people going short, wondering if they had stopped their losses.

It’s also possible that I’m just a clown, and I’ll just blast it and then hit it so many times, but I’ll still be happy if I blast it, because I haven’t bought enough yet🤣

#PYTH It really has potential. Oracle Circuit Dragon 2

Will he become Long Yi? Projects that are backed by Sol SOL are usually pretty big.