And again about NOT✨
I also decided to add my story about NOT to the message feed; back in early February, a friend sent information to TG about this project, and I decided, just for fun, to try it. While standing in traffic jams and on my lunch break at work, I also decided to click on the phone screen, in the end I got 14360700 NOT, then some kind of higher mathematics 🤣🤣🤣 happened and millions turned into 🤣🤣🤣14036 NOT 🤯🤯🤯.
✨✨P.S. 14036 NOT I sold at $0.0068 and received $95. And I decided not to dwell on this topic anymore, which is what I wish for everyone ✨✨🤯
✨✨Have a nice day and successful transactions everyone✨✨