Every quarter, the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) publishes a detailed report providing the EOS community with an overview of activities, grants, and financial expenditures.

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) provides support, funding, and necessary resource coordination to help EOS grow into a thriving ecosystem. We are using the power of decentralization to paint a future of collaboration for the EOS network, making EOS a force for positive change around the world.

Through direct investment, funding working groups and Pomelo, the EOS Network Foundation has strategically taken a multi-pronged approach to unite all parties in the EOS ecosystem, so that they can work together as a unified EOS community to create a sustainable positive-sum gaming ecosystem that benefits all ecosystem participants, and promote EOS to gradually grow into a first-class Web3 smart contract platform and blockchain ecosystem.

Check out the latest report for an in-depth look at all the major milestones for the entire EOS ecosystem, including:

  • EOS 5th Anniversary

  • Notable Growth Indicators

  • EOS EVM latest developments

  • Notable partners

  • Developer Relations Progress

  • Event Attendance

  • Technological development

  • Antelope Alliance

  • Ecosystem Roadmap

  • there are more

CEO Message

The world we live in is at a tipping point.

As the blockchain industry continues to be buffeted by erratic regulatory uncertainty, many world-class financial centers are reorienting and repositioning themselves in search of clarity and stability. Markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan are pushing for a sound, reliable, and stable policy environment, laying the foundation for a multipolar financial framework. As this fertile ground for innovation solidifies, deeper innovative applications of blockchain technology will begin to emerge, forming a stronger and more secure value layer in our vibrant global economy.

The EOS network is fortunately not bound by the Tokenomic Adventurism that has proven to be the undoing of many other blockchain projects, which puts us in a very strong position in this emerging economy. EOS was initiated by a decentralized community and has been battle-tested in five years of sustained and stable operation. Today, centralized institutions born within the community, such as the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) and EOS Network Ventures (ENV), lead the way in advancing the ecosystem to better serve the network. Under the careful management of these centralized entities, the functionality and utility of the EOS network continues to be optimized and expanded.

As an independent, free, and open source blockchain ecosystem, EOS is now moving forward on its own, and the ecological development is once again entering an upward period. More and more network participants are introducing funding support for their own public infrastructure projects through funding channels such as the EOS Network Foundation Direct Funding Framework and the secondary crowdfunding platform Pomelo. In addition, the Antelope Alliance's request for proposals (RFP) also provided funding support for the development of Wharfkit, a new set of web client SDKs designed to provide a more convenient user experience while reducing the burden on application developers. At the same time, with the Leap 5.0 upgrade approaching, the much-anticipated Instant Finality will be released in the fourth quarter, which will bring many new possibilities to the network.

As we continue to advance in-depth collaboration with alliance partners and uphold our firm commitment to free and open source development to further enrich the Web3 commons, we must also continue to work hard to strengthen the independence of our network. In September 2022, the EOS community took action to take on the responsibility of continuing to develop and maintain the previously abandoned EOSIO codebase. This series of initiatives gave birth to the Antelope protocol. As a completely community-led protocol, the birth and development of Antelope has created new possibilities for multiple networks.

Additionally, for the sake of EOS and the broader Web3 space, I believe our community must act now to address a very important issue that directly relates to the independence of the network. After careful consideration and expert legal guidance, in May of this year I published an open letter to the EOS community in which I called on EOS token holders to take accountability action against Block.one (B1) if you believed its promises when you purchased the original ICO ERC-20 tokens, EOS tokens, or if you deployed funds based on those promises, including a commitment to invest $1 billion in the EOS network.

I wrote in my letter:

“The EOS network remains the most compelling utility token network in crypto. Taking steps to allow B1 to deliver on its commitment to invest in the EOS network can only enhance the status of the EOS network and the long-term value the EOS network can bring to its participants.”

Since I published this open letter, our legal team has received hundreds of responses from EOS token holders expressing interest in joining the class action lawsuit against B1. Additionally, we have been approached by several litigation financing firms seeking to take on this case. I urge other token holders or interested parties who have not yet taken action to contact us to do so at legal@eosnetwork.com.

By holding B1 accountable, we are not only seeking justice and making B1 pay for its broken promises, but also paving the way for a stronger, more independent network. We intend to send a strong signal to the world that the EOS network, and the entire Web3 space, can resist those who seek to profit from companies that extract value from the decentralized network through misleading and fraudulent means.

While the EOS network is mobilizing to hold B1 accountable, this will certainly be a long process, and we are not standing idly by during this process. In the second quarter, we continued to prioritize "promoting the rise of the industry-leading free and open source EOS EVM." With the performance advantages of enterprises deploying dApps based on EOS EVM, the multi-channel funding incentives provided by the ecosystem, and the help for our qualified projects in business development, marketing, and investment forms, there are a lot of new opportunities for EOS EVM.

Through these efforts, we can see that there is a surge in developers and dApps interested in deploying based on the EOS EVM ecosystem. Keeping up with the rapid growth has become a challenge. With many projects launched on EOS EVM and the continuous injection of resources, the ecosystem is coming to life before our eyes. Currently, more than 12 wallets support EOS EVM, and more wallets are negotiating support. In addition, we have recently reached the upgrade goal of EOS EVM v0.5.0, which implements the Yield+ liquidity plan at the EOS EVM level.

As we continue to support the EOS EVM, we are also expanding economic activity on EOS itself. Not only are we building bridges to enable seamless communication with previously inaccessible communities, we are also facilitating new synergies in an increasingly multi-chain world.

In the first quarter, EOS Network Ventures (ENV) pledged to invest $20 million in EOS EVM and GameFi projects. In mid-June, EOS Network Ventures (ENV) announced its legal establishment as a Cayman Islands foundation. Subsequently, approximately 22.7 million EOS tokens were transferred from eosio.fund to envenvenv, marking the establishment of EOS Network Ventures (ENV) Fund I. Currently, ENV's first round of investment is underway.

As part of ENV's strategic plan, ENV is actively seeking to establish strategic partnerships with other venture capital funds (VCs) and has already established two partnerships with different VCs. Despite the current market downturn, ENV is ready to make initial investments and is carefully evaluating and negotiating with DEX platforms and projects for the benefit of all token holders.

In addition to our capital deployment investments, our continued commitment to the community is paying off. We have made significant progress in developing tools that will reduce the raw complexity of the EOS network, highlight the superior performance and flexibility of the EOS network, and greatly improve the EOS user experience. We continue to work on positioning EOS as the developer blockchain of choice, with the goal of achieving greater mass adoption. I envision a future where blockchain-based applications become accessible and integral to everyday life, and this vision is already reflected in the seamless user experience provided by projects such as the Metaverse Super App Upland.

The determination shown by our community, our willingness to repeatedly face and overcome challenges, our insistence on taking our destiny firmly into our own hands, and our willingness to contribute to the rebirth of EOS, the most legendary renaissance story in blockchain history... everything speaks to the quality of every member who gathers in the EOS community.

There has always been a joke in EOS: we are in it for the technology. Although EOS is indeed an amazing technology, I want to emphasize that it is the tenacity of our multifaceted, multinational, and multicultural community that has continuously injected vitality into EOS. This is also a very important reason why I stick to EOS.

Please stand with us.

We stand with the EOS community to take back development sovereignty from corporate interest groups. Cynical corporate interest groups ruthlessly manipulate those who believe in and fight for the vision of integrity, transparency and decentralization, and profit from it, betraying their promises and betraying the community time and time again.

The EOS community is moving forward steadily. You are welcome to join us.

Let us unite and overcome the difficulties together!

– Yves La Rose