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At present, the IoT DePIN project MXC has officially upgraded its brand to Moonchain and successfully launched its mainnet. With the new brand upgrade, Moonchain brings a full picture of the brand and product system, and will build a new generation of DePIN infrastructure serving the Web3 IoT field.

At this stage, the new Moonchain IoT DePIN ecosystem includes a ZkEVM-compatible Layer3 chain based on Arbitrum, and the IoT platform MXProtocol built on it. These infrastructures serve as the cornerstone of building the IoT DePIN system. In addition, Moonchain has also launched a series of components and sections including cross-chain bridges, Swap, stablecoins, inscription markets, DID domain names, etc., to provide power for the better operation of the IoT DePIN ecosystem.

Moonchain: A pioneering ecosystem for distributed IoT

Moonchain is a distributed IoT DePIN network that aims to provide a decentralized solution protocol for data exchange and communication of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. By leveraging blockchain technology, Moonchain aims to solve the inefficiency and security issues of data exchange in the IoT field and achieve seamless and secure data flow between devices. Moonchain hopes to build a global, low-power IoT network that enables individuals and businesses to easily connect and manage their IoT devices while improving the efficiency and transparency of data transactions.

The Moonchain ecosystem establishes links with many off-chain IoT hardware devices. After collecting data off-chain, the hardware devices in different scenarios collect and process data in a distributed manner through the on-chain part, namely the MX Protocol, and make the data system run in an orderly manner with the support of the smart bidding protocol. At the same time, through the "Proof of Participation" consensus mechanism, it can not only ensure the continuity and reliability of the LPWAN network, but also allow data providers to access the system through hardware devices and earn revenue from it.

As the ecosystem launches a ZkEVM-compatible Layer3 chain based on Arbitrum, all components of the Moonchain ecosystem will run on the new chain with excellent performance, scalability, security, etc. At the same time, the launch of the new Layer3 chain also provides a foundation for more developers to build related on-chain IoT applications based on the ecosystem, so as to promote the organic integration of Moonchain with more scenarios.

As the earliest and largest IoT DePIN network in the crypto industry, the Moonchain ecosystem has made a series of ecological progress in the field of Internet of Things.

Moonchain's current product demand mainly comes from B-side customers such as governments and public institutions, which are spread across more than 200 countries. Partners of the project include: Deutsche Bahn, Bosch, Berlin Technology Bureau, Carnegie Mellon University, Canadian Tires, Enlink, Korea National Grid, New York Citiesense, Japan M2B, etc. Potential scenarios include the chaining and transmission of data such as parking spaces, trash cans, street lights, pedestrian and vehicle traffic, etc. At present, MXC has achieved business income and profitability.

At the same time, there are more than 63,000 devices connected to the Moonchain network, with more than 60TB of data accumulated, and Moonchain's IoT network has successfully covered 20% of the world's land. Moonchain currently also provides IoT data services for many entities. A recent example is that Moonchain can collect water quality, animal activity and feeding system information through sensors installed in Yangcheng Lake hairy crab farms. Miners can get mining rewards by processing this data.

The Internet of Things is a trillion-dollar blue ocean market. The field is expected to further expand its market size as it continues to integrate with various scenarios. The combination with DePIN is expected to promote the Internet of Things to achieve better efficiency and cost, and it is expected to become an important driving force for the development of this field to the next stage. As a pioneer in the field of DePIN in the Internet of Things, Moonchain has been favored by users including government departments and commercial entities, and its long-term development potential is self-evident.

For this reason, Moonchain recently received a strategic investment from JDI Ventures, a DePIN investment fund under the well-known blockchain hardware manufacturer JDI Global, with this round of financing reaching 10 million US dollars. JDI Global will work with the Moonchain team to provide funding, hardware research and development, market influence and other support for the start-up DePIN project to accelerate the construction of the DePIN ecosystem. After the financing, the valuation and scale of the Moonchain ecosystem are expected to be further expanded.

Moonchain Ecosystem Product Matrix Overview

  • Layer3 chain Moonchain

Moonchain recently built a ZkEVM-compatible Layer3 chain around Arbitrum as the underlying blockchain infrastructure for the ecosystem to build the IoT DePIN system. It will not only serve as a DePIN dedicated chain, but also a series of ecological applications including MXProtocol will also run based on this chain.

Moonchain is an EVM network built using ZK-Rollup zero-knowledge proof technology. It can be organically integrated with various EVM assets. While ensuring the security and stability of IoT node data transmission, the Layer3 architecture also brings it good flexibility and scalability, and it continues to adapt to various scenarios as the network scale increases.

At the same time, the Layer3 architecture can not only obtain a series of support from chains such as Ethereum and Layer2, but also has more advantages in scalability. It is reported that the cross-chain interaction between its zkEVM and Ethereum takes less than 1 minute, and the block time is 10 seconds. At the same time, $MXC tokens, as gas tokens for network transactions, are expected to improve interaction efficiency and reduce transaction costs. After the Cancun upgrade is completed, the transaction costs of Layer2 and Layer3 are expected to drop significantly again.

According to the Moonchain browser, the network has produced more than 430,000 blocks and completed more than 1.4 million transactions.

  • MX Protocol

The MX Protocol is the core of the Moonchain IoT DePIN network. It is an on-chain protocol based on the LPWAN technology solution, which drives the orderly operation of the Moonchain DePIN system.

One of the core innovations of MX Protocol is its decentralized data market. In this market, owners of IoT devices can freely sell or buy the data generated by their devices. This market is built on blockchain technology, which provides transparency and security for transactions, making data transactions more trustworthy and frictionless. At the same time, in order to efficiently manage and allocate network resources, MX Protocol introduced an intelligent bidding system called "Speed ​​Auction". This system allows nodes participating in the network to bid for the use of network resources to determine the priority of data transmission. This mechanism helps to optimize the use of network resources and improve the efficiency of the overall network.

MX Protocol also provides an efficient data transmission protocol designed specifically for IoT devices, which ensures that data can move quickly and securely between devices, and is compatible with existing blockchain technology and IoT standards, which helps it integrate more easily into the current IoT ecosystem and provide users with a wider range of application scenarios.

  • Cross-chain bridge

With the launch of Moonchain's new mainnet, Moonchain also launched a native cross-chain bridge protocol. This protocol supports the cross-chain of assets between the Ethereum mainnet and its zkEVM network. Its security and scalability can be supported by the underlying Layer3. Currently, it mainly supports the cross-chain of $MXC tokens to promote the adoption of more $MXC tokens in the Moonchain network.

In the future, this component will support cross-chain transfers of more assets between the two networks to promote the expansion of Moonchain’s ecological value.

  • Swap Protocol

The Swap protocol of the Moonchain ecosystem is a native DEX on the chain, which currently supports the exchange of assets in the network, and currently supports the trading of about 20 assets. At the same time, users can also provide liquidity for these assets through the mining pool section and earn farming income.

Currently, the TVL of this DEX is about 45 million US dollars, and the transaction volume is about 1.3 million US dollars. As the scale of Moonchain's ecological business expands and its ecological applications become more abundant, this data is expected to increase significantly.

  • MNS (DID domain name)

Moonchain has launched a DID system, namely "MNS", based on which users can generate .mxc short domain names as a new identity in the Moonchain ecosystem. This domain name system can empower users to establish their own social image and support users to use .mxc domains as the entrance to social identities, similar to ENS with social business cards in the Moonchain ecosystem. Users holding .mxc domain names can obtain a deeper Web3 social experience in the Moonchain ecosystem, establish links with friends, and further expand the Web3 social graph relationship network. At the same time, it is also expected to become a credential for users to join the DePIN network and benefit from the network.

  • Blockchain Explorer

The blockchain browser is a data window of the Moonchain ecosystem. Users can use it to query on-chain data and details of a transaction.

  • Stablecoin Market

The Moonchain network has launched a stablecoin market with a similar lending gameplay. Currently, users can pledge several tokens including $MXC, $DG, $xMXC, and $XSD to mint stablecoins or lend. At the same time, users can also pledge these assets to obtain good annualized returns.

The market is expected to bring better economic circularity and liquidity to the network and provide users with new ways to earn DeFi income.

  • Inscription Market

Currently, an inscription market is open in the Moonchain underlying network, where users can mint and trade inscription assets.

Moonchain is building a complete DePIN system with a new concept by building an ecosystem with Layer3 chain as the carrier, MX Protocol as the core, and covering many popular sectors such as DeFi, NFT, inscriptions, DID, etc. It can be oriented to both the enterprise side and the consumer side, as well as the developer side and the investor side. This also means that Moonchain can establish deep links with many fields and become an important carrier for the DePIN track to link the Web2 real world.

The growth of the Moonchain IoT DePIN ecosystem will not only bring new vitality and development momentum to its overall ecosystem, but also feed back to the DePIN sector. Similarly, by creating a hierarchical and in-depth panoramic system, it will continue to benefit from the continued explosion of the DePIN track.