Defibox's vault has a stable annualized return of 14%+, a record high. Recently, various EOS indexes have exploded, and prices are also strong. The US dollar income in the system has increased by 387%, the number of new addresses has increased by 115%, and the price of RAM has soared by 3,000% for 6 consecutive months, aiming at the previous high in 6 years, which is just around the corner. As a 4-year veteran of DeFi, Defibox has always ranked first in the EOS pledge category under the principle of safety first. The vault has been online for 2 years, and its security has been guaranteed by Certik audit, node multi-signature, and targeted open source. Recently, due to the hot RAM market, the daily trading volume of RAM has exceeded 20 million US dollars, and the daily trading volume of Binance EOS/USDT is only a few million, which has contributed a huge amount of handling fee income to the EOS system, making the annualized income of the vault hit a record high. This stable and transparent income ranks among the best in the currency circle. As of the date of this post, RAM (commonly known as "ram") and RAMS (RAM inscription, commonly known as "sheep shit", also the largest RAM DAO and the largest RAM asset holding organization) have both soared 11% in a single day. RAM and RAMS are mutually compatible with exSat and are currently one of the industry leaders in the BTC2 layer network.

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