I want to express my opinion on the coin. In fact, this is nonsense by clicking on the button to earn money. In about a minute in this game you can click 180 - 300 times. per hour approximately 14,500 clicks (coins) will be obtained, now the price is 0.007 usdt. Thus, in an hour you can earn 100 bucks (in my opinion this is complete nonsense).
The work of a clicker should be equal to the minimum wage (MW). in the USA, for example, the minimum wage is 7.25 dollars per hour, respectively 7.25/14500 = 0.0005. I think this price is the most reasonable. I’m not saying that it will drop to this value right now, but we will see this value and even lower in the future.
p.s. If you liked the post, subscribe. I will share my thoughts.
$NOT #notcoin