
Tonight, with your permission, I will talk about us, not the coins.

Let's talk about the "that coin has increased by 30,000%" news that we hear in the news left and right and about the platform we are on.

My friends, you know that Binance lists coins only under certain conditions, and whether these coins are generally the best examples of their kind or not, this is not the issue.

I will speak on behalf of us, low-income investors, that we will never earn millions of dollars in one day.

Because if a project is listed on Binance, there are companies that buy it.

If we want to make a profit on the project we buy or trust in, we need to wait approximately 4 to 6 months.

So, you enter with the dream of becoming rich in one day.

But when you watch big investors, they bought that coin months or even years ago and transferred it to a cold wallet.

Therefore, this is not a matter of taking out a loan and buying coins, or investing all your expenses that month in coins.

First of all, you need to have goals.

For example, Ahmet works at a job and receives a salary of 30,000 Turkish Liras.

When Ahmet completes all his needs, he is left with 3,000 Turkish liras.

Ahmet deposits 3,000 Turkish lira into a coin every month and maintains this for 2 years.

Because Ahmet knows that he invested in the right project.

He has researched and has high expectations for this coin in the future.

Ahmet has been saving this coin for 4 years, and in the 5th year the coin may not rise at all, maybe it will increase 40x.

Ahmet will monitor that coin within these 4 years and if his money does not increase despite his investments, he will transfer his investment to different places at the end of 1.5 years and continue this.

At the end of the day, Ahmet will win no matter what.

Even if he does not make any profit, he will somehow protect his money because he bought it at different prices every month and reduced his purchasing average.

The only thing I have seen in Bitcoin for 2-3 years is;

He who waits wins.