I am a veteran in the currency circle. I entered the currency circle in August 2017. I started at a large casino called Jubi. At that time, I discovered that there would be a wave of market prices every twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. But the good times did not last long. When the seven ministries and commissions came under supervision in September, you know, at that time, I was completely speculating. As a result, I was forced to liquidate my position in September (I believe many people are like this). At that time, I privately raised a Token TRY, privately raised 10,000 yuan, but later withdrew due to fear of the market. After that, I didn’t enter the currency circle again for two months, thinking that the currency circle would just die out.

Things really took a turn for the worse. In November, I heard from my former friends that Bitcoin was going to be listed on the Chicago Board of Trade. I thought it was a big event, so I went back to the currency circle and found that Bitcoin had been reborn in fear, and was better than before. The price was still high, so I returned to the currency circle. What I am sharing is the TRY (Tron) that I surrendered from private placement. When I returned to the currency circle, trx had increased more than 20 times, and I regretted not persisting at that time. So I bought another Tron for 5,000 yuan when it was 20 cents. By the end of December, Tron started to rise and increased by 10 times within a few days. The last long upper shadow line was shipped. . Completed a 10x operation.

After that, the market started to pull back, and I sold all the stocks in my hand. I escaped from the top, and I had a sense of smell and luck (I had been doing stocks for 10 years before, and I knew a little bit about various indicators).

I have summarized some experiences to share with you:

1. Don’t be full of Stud. Stud’s ability to resist risks is too poor. Once you encounter a big negative correction, it will be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, the cycle of the currency circle changes relatively quickly.

2. It depends on the trend. No one can fight against the trend. When a trend comes, only by following the trend can you make money.

3. Learn often. As a retail investor, you may not understand what blockchain is and what a white paper is, but at least you still need to learn and understand various indicators.

4. Invest in some coins that are really doing something. Such coins may not bring high returns in a short time, but they are a long-term thing. Speculation may be very profitable in the short term, but it also involves greater risks. 5. Learn to stop losses and cut your own flesh is a very uncomfortable thing, but in the currency circle, you need to have the courage of a strong man to cut off your wrist, and preserving the principal is the way to win.

6. Learn to distinguish various kinds of news. In the currency circle, news is everywhere, some are true and some are false. In fact, after a long time, you will find that when bad news is coming, there will definitely be a dense number of bad news. It would be nice if you could go out and observe part of the scene. There are many more... In short, the currency circle is a very magical place, a place full of opportunities. I hope everyone can achieve financial freedom here. #荣耀时刻