TOP letters of complaints over the past two weeks consist of 80% stories of blocking customer accounts on exchanges and even wallets. How to protect yourself from blockages that will only increase?

The place where you are asked for KYC cannot be used to store and accumulate money or cryptocurrency.

Under the pretext of introducing AML procedures, any custodial service has every legal right to squeeze out your completely honest money.

All online wallets and bot wallets in Telegram are custodial services, your money is not there, you simply give it to strangers.

How to protect yourself from the inevitable blocking of your accounts and wallets? Use what cannot be blocked. For example, cash if it is fiat and hardware wallets if it is crypto. In this case, no body or service will simply be able to check or block anything there.

Hardware wallets should only be purchased directly from the manufacturer, no matter what they tell you. No official representative office gives you a guarantee of the safety of your crypto.

Recently, I have received many complaints about the theft of crypto from hardware wallets purchased not from “official” dealers, but from Avito or marketplaces like Ozone.

In such places, with a 99% guarantee, you will buy a wallet that has already been hacked and flashed, and then you will wonder how it was possible to steal crypto from a brand new hardware wallet.

Wallets must be ordered only from the manufacturer. I strongly do not recommend using Ledger, this is a 100% scam project, over the last five years I have received large amounts of information about how people lost everything on this scam wallet.

If you have an advanced understanding of network security, then software wallets that you can download and install from the official website will suffice.

Another important note and pure statistics. If you have a computer running Windows OS and even consider yourself an advanced user, forget about crypto on this device. There is a very high probability that you will be robbed. For crypto, it is better to buy the cheapest MacBook or bother with Linux.