There are scammers in the cryptocurrency circle every year, but are there more this year?

There are more scammers this year, and the scams in the cryptocurrency circle are endless. Reveal the four common scams in the cryptocurrency circle, so that you will no longer be deceived!

The previous fake wallet multi-signature and oil card exchange are still rampant, and the scammers are also updating and iterating.

First of all, some scammers will ask coin friends to click on the link to register under the guise of airdrops, but actually steal your U.

Secondly, they will recommend small exchanges to you, and once you are tempted and enter, they will explode within three days, and the principal cannot be withdrawn.

In addition, local dog projects are also the favorites of scammers. Ten local dogs are nine pits, and one is recovering.

Finally, some wallets will suddenly have an extra coin. Once you click in curiously, U will disappear instantly. These routines seem complicated, but in fact they all take advantage of human greed and curiosity. There is no free lunch in the world. If you are greedy for cheapness or too curious, you can easily become the prey of scammers.

Be cautious when playing with coins, and be sure to play with things within your own cognition. Remember, don't play if you don't understand or are not clear about it, to avoid becoming the next target of scammers. What other scams have you encountered? Tell us so that others can avoid falling into the trap!