After the concept of the metaverse was hyped for a while, most of them died down. Victoria VR is the only metaverse project that I follow that is continuously updated and keeps up with current events.

As soon as Apple's VR glasses were released, @VictoriaVRcom said that it would be launched on Vision Pro and began testing. Later, it was announced that#AIwould be integrated into the game, so that players can create various 3D characters and items in the metaverse even if they don't know how to program.

This is the real metaverse. I am the creator and the master of my world. This sense of control and this kind of freedom are so cool just thinking about it.

On May 14, Victoria VR has launched the early access version of Asugea, a VR metaverse, and foreigners have been discussing it a lot.

Our Chinese community seems to pay more attention to tokens, and I see many people ambushing in advance. In fact, you can also experience the game, and the picture quality is very good.