I want to share the experience of a friend in the PIXEL group who was cheated. He recently formed a studio and wanted to deeply explore the pixel farm Pixel. He invited more than a dozen people to operate the account and made the private key of the wallet public to his friends. Yesterday, more than 170 wallets were found. A total of more than 6,900 PIXEL tokens were transferred to a certain address. Although it is suspected that someone in the team did it, there is no evidence. The wallet was generated on the chain, and I don’t know who it belongs to. Now I am in a big headache. When I want to do a big job, accidents often come 😂. When I run a PIXEL studio, are the people I invite to interact reliable? Whether they can advance and retreat together and whether their wallets will be stolen are also issues that need to be considered. There was an accident, and the airdrop was not received. The team was disbanded first, and the principal invested was also wasted. If you want to get the airdrop, you still have to do it yourself. If you find someone else, you will give your wallet to someone else, and the initiative is not in your hands 😎

#PIXEL #空投交互