Recently, Blast will make a big move at the end of the month, and some of the projects listed above will also take action, such as BAC Games will have an IDO in late May. You will encounter two typical problems:

  • How to transfer money to Blast

  • How to get money back from Blast in the future

This article is written to solve these two problems.


  • Prepare a Web3 wallet: Little Fox or OKX Web3 wallet

  • Open and add the Base chain to the little fox

  • Open and add the Blast chain to the little fox

Noble Cross-Chain

The official cross-chain has only one characteristic: it is expensive. However, the gas price of the main network is now shockingly low, so you can also try the main network.

  • Open

  • Link to Little Fox Wallet, Signature

  • Enter the transfer amount and click Submit

  • I personally tested that the gas cost is 6 gwei, which is about $1.4.

Civilian version of cross-chain steps

  • Withdraw money from the exchange to your Little Fox or OKX Web3 wallet and choose the Base chain. The reason why the Base chain is chosen here is that its fee is the cheapest.

  • Open orbiter:, and select the source chain (From) and the destination chain (To).

  • The method of using minibridge is similar:

Crossing back from Blast to other chains

I didn’t notice this before, but recently I found out that it’s a rip-off. Either it’s cheap but has a limit on the amount, or it’s a large amount but the gas is expensive, unless you need it urgently.

I came out of blast on a flying saucer, I don't know if it can help you [grin]

  •, the amazing thing is that you can only withdraw 0.03E each time. The gas fee + handling fee is about $2.5.

  •, now it seems that the gas is ok. However, it secretly deducts your ETH amount, just calculated, the loss is 13 dollars. Ohfk!

  • You can only find someone to exchange with. If someone needs to transfer money to Blast and you want to transfer it back, then you can transfer it to each other.

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