According to a survey, the most comfortable life state for people over 35 years old is as follows:

Having a house of about 120 square meters,

Having a car worth more than 200,000 yuan,

Having a savings of about 300,000 yuan.

Having a child, living together as a family every day,

Having a stable job, being able to go to get off work on time,

Having a regular weekend break, no overtime,

Enough food and drink, no need to be tight on money.

Having money to honor parents,

The whole family has a physical examination and travels once a year,

Having a meal with parents every week and going to the surrounding areas for fun.

During festivals,

The whole family is happy together,

A simple life,

This is the best life state!

Many times,

Seeing too much of the world on the Internet,

Listening too many examples of others' success,

It is easy to forget what life really looks like.

Happiness is actually very simple,

There are only nine words:

Having a home to return to, someone waiting for you, and having food to eat!